Saturday, 13 October 2012

MVC Approach

      The MVC (Model-View-Controller) approach is an architectural design method in programming, based on the separation of the business logic from the GUI (Graphical User Interface) in a specific application. This design method was first used in the Smalltalk programming language. As its name suggests, it consists of three main components.

     This is the core of the application.Usually, this is the database we are working on and its state. For example, in a banking application this would be the customer database, their accounts, transactions and the allowed banking operations they are eligible for. 

      This part of the application source code is responsible for how data is visualised. It would selectively highlight specific attributes of the Model and suppress others, so it can be regarded as a presentation filter. It also keeps track of the client's platform and makes sure the appropriate GUI is used for optimum performance.

      The Controller could be regarded as the "brain" of the application. It decides what the client input was, how the Model needs to change as a result to this input and what resulting View should be used accordingly.

     This approach can be applied in web-based information systems by using Java EE by employing the thin-client method that places almost the whole MVC framework on the server. By doing so, the client is only expected to send data forms or desired links to the Controller module, which, based on the requirement, interacts with the Model to generate the data needed and when the response is generated, it is displayed to the user by the View. In this particular method, the Model could be represented by JavaBeans or EJBs, the View could be given presentation functionality by JSFs and the Controller could use a Servlet to mediate between the Model and View modules.

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