Friday, 12 October 2012

JSP vs Servlets

       Both JSP (Java Server Pages) and Servlets are APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), whose aim is to provide means of displaying dynamic content within a web browser. Servlets are Java objects that dynamically handle requests and create responses. The Servlet API allows a developer to add dynamic content to a web server using Java platform. JSP, on the other hand, is a server-side Java technology that can generate dynamic web pages with HTML, Java script, JSP directives and elements, as well as other document types, as a response to a user request to a Java web server. JSP are compiled to servlets before launching them. Therefore, servlets can do anything that JSP can do, respectively 
       Coding in JSP is relatively easier than in servlets, as JSP have simple HTML-like syntax, while servlets use Java syntax for data processing and HTML for output, with hundreds of println statements that can be quite a bother at times, to say the least. In simple words, servlets can be regarded as HTML in Java, and JSP - Java in HTML! It is worth mentioning also that servlets run faster than JSP and provide quicker response, due to the fact that they are already compiled and running, while JSP needs to go through the interpreter to generate the HTML output code.
       Since both servlets and JSP are from Java, they are easily translated one into the other. Nowadays, developers often use both in conjunction to combine their benefits - JSP's easy coding and the servlets' speed advantage.

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